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Managing Emotions Under Pressure

A majority of people experience stress at work. By understanding the common types of stress and how to identify them, you can become better at managing the stress that you experience. When you are able to effectively manage your stress, it can help you to improve your relationships, increase your productivity, and live a more enjoyable life. At Premier NLP Life Coaching, we can work with you to help you learn techniques to reduce and manage your stress so that you can meet your goals.

Four types of stress

There are four primary types of stress that people commonly experience. These include the following types:

  1. Stress concerning time

  2. Stress in anticipation of the future

  3. Situational stress

  4. Stress about encounters with others

Here is an explanation of each type and ways that you can identify and manage each type.

1. Stress concerning time

Stress concerning time is a type of stress during which you worry about not having enough time. You might find yourself worrying about how much you have to do and find yourself fearing that you will not have enough time to get everything done. This might lead you to feel unhappy or hopeless.

Managing stress about time is important if you want to increase your productivity. To begin, you will need how to manage your time. You might try using to-do lists. If you are responsible for managing multiple projects simultaneously, you might instead use action plans.

The next step is to prioritize your tasks so that you make certain that you are devoting sufficient time to those that are the most important. Important tasks are those that can help you to work towards your goals. Working on these tasks instead of spending time on tangential matters is a better way for you to use your time.

If you find that you do not have sufficient time to complete everything, you will need to learn how you can create additional time during your day. Use your peak time to work on the most important tasks. Leave the less important tasks for times when you know that your energy level is likely to drop. Finally, don’t be afraid to say no to things for which you don’t have time.

2. Stress in anticipation of the future

Stress in anticipation of the future is very common. This stress may be focused on an upcoming event, or it can be vague. Since this type of stress is based on your future expectations, begin by realizing that whatever it is that you are stressed about does not have to happen as you envision.

Use visualization techniques to picture everything going correctly. Meditation may also help you to concentrate on what is happening now rather than on an anticipated future.

Set aside a little time every day for meditation. Often, stress about the future is borne out of a lack of confidence. Directly addressing your personal fears can lower the stress that you feel.

3. Situational stress

Situational stress is the type of stress that you might experience when you find yourself in a situation over which you have no control. It is often a situation in which there is a conflict or you are worried about losing the acceptance of others.

It often appears suddenly. To manage situational stress, you need to become more aware of yourself. Recognize what your body does when you experience pressure. Identify the reactions that you have to it.

Learning good conflict resolution skills can help you to be prepared to handle situational stress. Managing conflict is important on both an individual basis as well as in a group setting.

4. Stress about encounters with others

Stress about encounters with others is the type of stress that people experience when they are worried about interacting with other people. This type of stress might arise when you must interact with someone you do not like or when you think that the other person is unpredictable. This type of stress might also happen when you are overwhelmed from interacting with a large number of people.

Working on your interpersonal skills can help to reduce stress about encounters with others. When you develop greater emotional intelligence, you will be able to build better relationships with others. It is also important for helping you to recognize when you have reached your limits for the day.

When you begin to experience this type of stress, give yourself permission to take a break. Drink some water, go for a walk, and use deep-breathing exercises. Use empathy to try to see the situation from the perspective of the other person.

If you feel remote and cranky, you might also be burned out. Monitor yourself for burnout so that you can take steps to avoid it.

Contact Premier NLP Life Coaching

Learning to manage your stress in an effective way can help you to achieve the outcomes that you would like. By getting help from Premier NLP Life Coaching, you can learn some techniques to help you to get the stress that you feel under control. Contact us today by filling out our online contact form.

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