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  • Writer's pictureDennis Carroll

Understanding your Mind – Conscious and Unconscious Processing

Your conscious and your unconscious mind both play an outsized role in the choices that you make and in whether you are able to achieve your goals. One of the goals of neuro-linguistic programming is to unpack these concepts and show you how to use your knowledge of both to effect positive change. At Premier Life Coaching, we have helped many people to get in touch with their conscious and unconscious minds and to change their thinking patterns so that they are able to be more successful.

In many cases, people try to get control over their problems with their conscious minds without including their unconscious minds when they try to make a change. This is a mistake that should be corrected. The change will be lasting if you are able to involve your unconscious mind.

Your conscious mind

Your conscious mind does not have as many processing abilities as your unconscious mind does. It is dominated by partitions that have to do with language. Your conscious mind is a representation of the internal map that you are able to consciously access.

Your conscious mind may have a running commentary about events as they happen and to derive meaning from the text that you read. It works in a logical manner and prefers things that make sense to you.

Your unconscious mind

Your subconscious mind works in the background and includes everything of which you are not consciously aware. It understands everything about the system that makes up you. Compared to your conscious mind, your unconscious mind has great abilities to process information and absorbs millions of pieces of sensory data from your nervous system every second. All of your past experiences are contained in your unconscious mind. Your habits, feelings, and sensations are the ways in which your unconscious mind is able to express itself. It contains a huge potential for change.

The six-step reframe

People who are trained in neuro-linguistic programming are able to use a process called the six-step reframe to change their unconscious minds. You can work with an involuntary signal from your unconscious mind such as pain together with intention. Your body has a terrific ability to heal. When you are able to communicate well with your unconscious mind, you can access its ability to heal.

You can work with your unconscious mind in multiple ways, including metaphors, involuntary signals, hypnosis, behavioral tasks, metaphors, and dreams. When you use these or other processes, you can engage your unconscious mind while also working with your conscious mind. You can think about your conscious mind as your organizer and your unconscious mind as your provider. Your conscious mind asks your unconscious mind for the resources that it needs to create your experiences in a specific context. When the communication from your conscious mind is clear, your unconscious mind will then deliver the resources that have been requested.

The conscious and unconscious minds are simply labels for different processes that happen in your nervous system. When you establish good communication between these different processes, it will be easier for you to solve problems and to create different and better experiences.

Your nervous system

There are two primary components of your nervous system, including the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. Your CNS is made up of all of the networks of your spinal cord and brain. Your PNS includes the nerves that extend outward from your CNS to enervate the other parts of your body.

Neural cells, called neurons, communicate with each other. Neurons in your CNS communicate with neurons in your PNS through electrochemical signaling. Likewise, communication occurs in the reverse. Your thoughts are experienced in both your brain and in your body, and the sensations that you feel in your body are communicated to your brain.

Many modern psychological approaches place more emphasis on your conscious mind and its thinking processes while failing to incorporate the importance of your unconscious mind. Approaching problems by emphasizing thinking through them is not very effective because doing so ignores the role of your unconscious mind.

Your work in neuro-linguistic programming can teach you methods that you can use to improve the communication between your conscious mind and your unconscious mind. When you improve your ability to communicate between your two minds, you can make the changes that you want. NLP is an effective method to help you to make positive changes in a much quicker and lasting way than traditional therapeutic approaches. To get started on your journey, contact PremierLife Coaching today by filling out our contact form.

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